Latest Episodes

Episode 11: IoT Security Basics
Attendees Guest: Eliav Gnessin Guest title: CTO Company: DeviceTone Abstract IOT present one of the hottest topics in the industry today. In this episode...

Episode 10: Securing The New Fintech Economy
Attendees Guest: Nir Valtman Guest title: Product security lead Company: Finastra Abstract Fintech companies drive cloud security forward by setting the highest bar of...

Episode 9: Challenges With Cloud Management Logs
Attendees Guest: Shira Shamban Guest title: Cloud Security Company: Check Point (Dome9) Cloud providers has invested heavily in adding visibility, monitoring and logging capabilities...

Episode 8: Securing The World of IoT
Attendees Guest: Beau Woods Guest title: Member Company: We-Are-The-Cavalry, Atlantic Council Abstract IOT devices such as Medical embedded devices, autonomous vehicle and smart homes...

Episode 7: Creating Trust in Cloud
Attendees Guest: Damir Savanović Guest title: Senior researcher Company: Cloud Security Alliance Abstract Creating trust is one of the major challenges for cloud providers...

Episode 6: The Cloud Octagon Model Framework for Cloud Adoption
Attendees Guest: Olaf Streutker Guest title: CISO Advisor Company: ABN Amro Abstract The Cloud Octagon Model is a new framework for cloud adoption (mostly...